Nikolaos Vryzas

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Dr. Nikolaos Vryzas was born in Thessaloniki in 1990. He studied Electrical & Computer Engineering in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). After graduating, he received his master degrees on Information and Communication Audio Video Technologies for Education & Production from the Interdepartmental/Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program on Advanced Computer and Communication Systems of the AUTh. In 2020 he obtained his Ph.D. diploma from the School of Journalism & Mass Media Communication, on audiovisual stream management automations for digital media and mediated communication. His doctorate research was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI). In the past years he has been working as a research assistant in European projects on topics of multimodal (audio/video/text) semantic analysis (PHARM-Preventing Hate Against Refugees and Migrants, SOCIO-BEE – Wearables and droneS fOr CIty Socio-Environmental Observations and BEhavioral ChangE), and as an adjunct professor in the School of Journalism of AUTh.